DECEMBER 1, 2024
PARTICIPATING in Sunday’s service are Jane Evans, liturgist; Melanie Shullenbarger, scripture reader; Ruth Hornseth and Maryjean Spencer, ushers; and Chris Avedisian, video operator. Thank you to everyone!
THE CHURCH CHICKS will meet following Sunday’s service. Please join us for a time of faith and fellowship with the ladies of St. Paul.
ADVENT DEVOTION - Pastor Laray will begin an Advent Devotion Call on Wednesday, December 4, at 7:00 am. This will be a phone-only opportunity. To participate in the call, dial 301-715-8592 and wait to be admitted to the call.
THE PASTOR’S STUDY will be held on Wednesday, December 4, at 7:00 pm in Room 9 and via Zoom.
SATURDAY SCHOLARS BIBLE STUDY will be held on Saturday, December 7, at 11:30 am. Feel free to bring your Bible and a lunch as we continue our study of The Lord’s Prayer.
THE HOLIDAY FOOD DRIVE will continue through mid-December. We are collecting non-perishable foods for the Damascus Help pantry. Many families need assistance at this time of the year, and all donations help! Please look for the collection box in the narthex. Most needed foods include:
- Canned Soups
- Canned Fruits and Vegetables
- Cereals (cold or hot)
- Peanut Butter (medium size)
- Jelly (smaller sizes)
- Spaghetti Sauce
- Pasta, Rice, Instant Potatoes
- Mac & Cheese boxes
- Canned Tuna and Chicken
We will deliver foods to the Pantry on a weekly basis. Please contact Leslie Hinkle with any questions. Thank you!
CHRISTMAS ANGEL PROJECT - Everyone is invited to participate in our annual Angel gifts project of providing Christmas gifts for the Our House trainees and children of our sponsored Damascus Help families. Please look for our Outreach Angel display on the narthex bulletin board beginning December 1. You are invited to:
- Take an Angel from the narthex display.
- Purchase the requested gift and wrap it. Attach the Angel tag to the gift.
- Return the gift to the narthex by Sunday December 15.
If you misplace your Angel tag, just attach a note including the recipient’s name and its contents. Contact Leslie Hinkle with any questions Thank you everyone for always supporting this special project!
IT IS CUSTOMARY to present the Pastor with a cash gift for Christmas in appreciation of her dedication and service to the St. Paul community. If you would like to participate, place your contribution in the offering or mail it: St. Paul UMC, PO Box 5006, Laytonsville, MD 20882. Make checks payable to St. Paul UMC with note: Pastor’s Christmas Gift.
LAYTONSVILLE HOLIDAY TREE LIGHTING f will be held this Friday, December 6, at 5:30 pm at the Laytonsville Town Hall.
CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLELIGHT SERVICE will be held on Tuesday, December 24, beginning at 7:00 pm. Join us as we gather in prayer and song to welcome the Christ child. A light reception of cookies, coffee, and cider will follow the service. If you would like to help by providing cookies or assisting with the set-up and/or clean-up, please use the sign-up sheet in the narthex.
OUR WORSHIP SERVICES continue to be available via Zoom and You Tube Live. Go to Upcoming Events for direct links to each gathering. You can also listen to the service via radio channel 107.5 FM either from the St. Paul parking lot or within ½ mile of St. Paul.
WAYS TO SUPPORT THE CHURCH with your tithes and offerings:
- At in-person services, offering plates are in the back of the sanctuary.
- Mail checks to St. Paul UMC, PO Box 5006, Laytonsville, MD 20882.
- Set up direct bill pay through your bank.
- Give online here, where you can pay using your bank account or credit card and set up recurring payments if you’d like.